Category Archives: Media Reviews

Song of the Week(s) & More!

I thought this would be a great way to introduce  ‘Song of the Week(s).  Goose Creek Church will be posting the occasional ‘Song of the Week(s), yeah we do not want to be bound by unhealthy and ultimately destructive expectations of finding an amazing song every week, but we can guarantee that you will find one you love at least every month. Well enough rambling, here are the songs – this is very different from first music post (‘5 Albums Worth Buying’) which is funny because in actuality I am almost always about the compilation, the best value which to me is not usually found in albums. I hope to post a few songs up at least once a month to connect you to what I am listening to. Hope you enjoy!

Jeremy Messersmith – A Girl, a Ghost, and a Graveyard

lupe Fiasco – Fighters

The Freelance Whalers – The Generator 1st Floor

The City harmonic

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On the Nature of Daylight – Max Richter

Somber and melodic this song makes for a great song to study to,..

Detroit 1-8-7 and the Top 5 Storytelling Television Shows!

Here are the top 5 best  action stories‘ on television.  These shows have captured what it means to tell a great narrative, to engage the participant in story.  I would like to thank my DVR and Hulu for making this possible. My blogs are designed to be quicker reads, but  special attention is given to Detroit 1-8-7, because it is in danger of being canceled which would be a travesty.  Click on any picture to watch a clip or full episode of the program.

Detroit 1-8-7

Detroit 1-8-7 is a stunning production. Few shows engage and leave the viewer identifying and participating the way Detroit 1-8-7 does.  Fewer shows still infuse the viewer with the morale and the hope Detroit 1-8-7 does.  Detroit 1-8-7 is easily one of the premiere shows on television.

It enthralls, meshing the grittiness of an old school cop show with the depth of Law and Order.  1-8-7 has the storytelling of LOST, characters comparable to House and plenty of action.  The writing is realistic, witty, and hopeful.  The show does more than entertain; it embodies the struggles and triumphs of one of America’s great cities.

The Event

Must see T.V. although admittedly the first episode or two were slow, but outside of the slow set up, everything  after was gold. The Event has a frenetic and daring pace, combining the suspense and pace of 24 coupled with the character and plot depth of LOST makes this show a jewel.  Despite the 24 and LOST allusions the  plot is unique and original.  The slow start preceded by too much hype left many viewers with unhealthy expectations, but the show is very good!  And it is coming back out late February!

The Mentalist

Patrick Jane is one of the most compelling characters on t.v. Solid and suspenseful storytelling, along with the tragically magnetic personality of Jane makes this show worthwhile.


Year after year House is one of the greatest shows on t.v.  Those who do not get House M.D. do not understand the show is not about the patient or the disease or even the clear and obvious sprint to cure the patient.  House M.D. is about House; his self-loathing, his complexity, the tensions of faith, virtue, and courage dueling and conflicting against the depraved human nature.  The cases and personalities are only a courtesy, the means to assist in peeling  back the often times dark and multifaceted layers of House.  The show is as much a course in humanity as it is superb storytelling.


This instant cult classic and fan favorite is J.J. Abrams (LOST and Alias) at his best, the next X-Files and LOST, easily a television phenomenon.  The storyline is a whirlwind of drama, science, and intrigue which is great for committed viewers.  Unfortunately a couple minute clumps of stagnant episodes have hurt the show, but the overall plot is amazing, intact, and peaking.  Fringe is a rollercoaster, one of the foremost television experiences with veteran acting, sensational storytelling, and brilliant execution.  The characters are endearing and charming.  Fringe is the most versatile show on t.v. as it oscillates between police work, love stories, alternate universes, comedic moments, and fascinating villains.  Fringe is the one show that could actually ‘re-animate’ Fridays!